We Are Survivors
We are survivors of a religious group based in Carbondale, Illinois. Locally, the group is called “the Sufis.” We believe that Islamic Sufism is, in essence, a beautiful path, but that the Carbondale-based group has been corrupted through its leader’s abuse of power. Through our own personal experience of being in the group for years, and through our own studies, we have come to believe that the group is a cult. This website is a place for us to share our experiences with you so that you don’t fall into the same trap we did.
We joined this group because we believed the spiritual teacher was here to help us become better, more loving people. We were drawn in by his enthralling personality and the warmness and openness of the community members.
Why did we leave? Everyone who shares on this website has their own reason for leaving but basically, we all eventually realized that the leader is not enlightened. Brilliant – yes. Charismatic – very. Cool – also. But God inspired to decide over our lives – not. Many left because their children were not being schooled properly in the Sufi school collective. They wanted to send their kids to other schools and were degraded and debased in front of the group by the guru. Some changed their lifestyles to protect themselves and were told that they were overreacting and the safety of themselves and loved ones was not in danger – well he was wrong, and people left. Some left the community many years ago and have felt ostracized and alone. And tragically for many women, some even married, they were manipulated into having sexual relationships with the guru and were told that it was “our spiritual secret” to keep.
The secrets must end, and our stories must be heard. This is a cult, its teacher a narcissist ego maniac who manipulates people into giving up their faith in their own voice. He decides what is good and healthy, he chooses who your mate should be, he tells you how to dress and what is appropriate. And when you try to talk back, you will be ridiculed in front of a group of people and they will all find a reason why the guru is only looking out for your “best” intentions.